Saturday, May 19, 2007

Girl Confession: I Dig Watching Wild Birds.

its a dorky passion, but i'm all over it. it rivals my seashell addiction, its that bad. i keep a bird identification book and i actually write down all the birds i see out my back door. i know. im a child in my predilections.

please to be imagining my joy at finding this page:

most nests will be active in the morning and early evening. right now, 8-9 am is great.

most satisfying cams:
ithaca ny killdeer—live streaming video of a momma nesting! so close you can watch her breathe! tidbits of grass in front of the camera gives that heightened feeling of being hidden.

lake barkley, ky opsprey nest—super cool. momma and daddy are constantly feeding the fledglings fresh kills! this cam refreshes every 30 seconds.

i especially like putting both of these cams side by side--one is a floor nester that eats bugs and the other is a carnivorous platform dweller! sweet!

not satisfying, but you may have better luck:
the owl cam. i get nothing.

so i send this to you 'cause i think your kids would enjoy it. boy2 doesnt cause they dont morph into a megazord.

i still think its pretty sweet. hope your kids do, too.

1 comment:

Jeffrey Morgan said...

Someday your gonna look back and say that's were it started... Morgan made his first comment.