Wednesday, March 12, 2008

OurGirl: 5 favorite words i do not use

The role of a writer is not to say what we all can say, but what we are unable to say. ~Anaïs Nin
words i like but never use. its a curse to have a love of words and yet not care enough to learn how to pronounce them. ask walsh. i have a couple of acronyms i mangle on a daily basis.
  1. unctuous: in this case, full, rich, buttery, oily
  2. oeuvre: a work of art
  3. perspicacious: acutely perceptive
  4. contretemps: a dispute, an inopportune incident
  5. halcyon: calm, peaceful, prosperous

1 comment:

Jeffrey Morgan said...

five new words for ya'll

1. Trifoliate - to have three leaves
2. Ascetic - Religious freak
3. Quark - elementary particles having electric charges of a magnitude one-third or two-thirds that of the electron.
4. Byzantine - pertaining to Byzantine Era
5. antidisestablishmentarianism - opposition to the belief that there should no longer be an official church in a country