Some intersting facts about the Amish...They are considered an ethnic group since they marry within their group. There are approximately 198,000 in the USA. Some Amish have been emigrating to Belize recently to make ice cubes presumably.
They don't have to pay taxes, since they don't take advantage of Social Security Benefits...hmmm I wonder if I could get away with that...I would like to opt out of SSN, because you guys suck!
"Be not yoked with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?" (II Corinthians 6:14) The Amish often cite this verse to maintain there separation from the rest of the world, which is ironically the same verse my Father quoted to me, when I told him I was getting married to Miss Saigon. Makes a guy wish for Rumspringa! However, there is an increasing consciousness among the Amish of the advantages of exogamy. Now that is a triple word score!

Speaking of Ms Saigon, here we are at Buffalo Wing University in Fairfax last night. I tried the "DOA" Hot sauce and thought I was going to die. For ten minutes I just stuck my mouth in a glass of water while she laughed. And I'm still paying for my gastric deviation today...Boy that's some Hot Sauce!
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