Sir William Cecil, Lord Burghley: Forgive me, Madam, but you are only a woman...
Elizabeth: [cuts him off] I may be a woman, Sir William, but if I choose I have the heart of a man!
Elizabeth: [firmly] I am my father's daughter, and I am not afraid of anything.
when i saw morgan's choice of a very william gacy-like image of hillary—wha? go ahead. google gacy clown images and compare to morgan's last post. i'll wait. and no thanks, i'll stay right here—
i thought—how bad could the rest of the image posts be?
yep. that pretty much says it. the horror to be in the public spotlight and have people not like you. if i was hillary, i think every time i saw a camera i would start picking my nose. the band-aid approach. just get it done and over with.
works for the queen. "oh dear, i thought this yellow hat wouldn't work with the hounds tooth suit....bullocks, the paparazzi!" see, this would explain why she's digging with a glove on.
and then i saw this miracle of marble resin:
a photo print has a shelf life of maybe 25-50 years, archived in a folder and stuck in a drawer in somebody's garage, but marble dust casting is forever. granted, you should expect the Museum of Sex to select material with a edge to it—but i defy you to find it here. um, guys, that would be the face area, up there. nudge the scroll bar, kitten. that's it. >CENSORED<
also, note to the creator of the fabulous garden sculpture bust: awesome mixing of fast food roman neoclassicism and harlequin romance cover. and that style mixed with the time-saving resin casting instead of messy, skill-requiring handcarving? brilliant! the piece oozes the dichotomy of your feelings for your subject matter. and—you should probably have a heart-to-heart talk with your mother asap. i don't think she meant it.
hillary confuses me. i should like her, she's a strong girl. i don't dig her politics, but i should be able to admire her desire to get things done. except i don't dig her manner. i find her shrill, also. is it in the voice? i think it is more than that 'cause i absolutely adore the goofy string of images above and i start to think she's a girl in need of a strong drink and a good laugh. but when i think of her and what i remember of her first four strident years, i just think she's a mean girl. i bet she could be a bully, too. but i don't get the impression she's sneaky.
what makes one strong girl likeable—but the other one, not? i think it comes down to charisma and if a strong girl is genuinely interested in other people. thanks, dale! you've been a major influence this year! I recommend this book: Seductress: Women Who Ravished the World and Their Lost Art of Love. once you get over the hype and the feeling its a lightweight chick-lit book you find you're reading a pretty entertaining book filled with interesting women through history. any one of the women bio'ed in this book is researching so more.
...I who arrived deliberate as Tuesday
without my hat and shoes
with one rude black tattoo
and purpose thick as pumpkin.
One day I'll dangle
from your neck, public as a jewel.
One day I'll write my name on everything
as certain as a trail of bread.
I'll leave my scent of smoke.
I'll paint my wrists.
You'll see. You'll see.
I will not out so easily.
I was here. As loud as trumpet.
As real as pebble in the shoe.
A tiger tooth. A definite voodoo.
—My Wicked, Wicked Ways, Sandra Cisneros
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Nice Hooters!
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