"You don't touch the nose. You don't aspire to reach the nose. You don't unhook anything to get to a nose. And no man has ever tried to look up a woman's nostril." - Seinfeld
I don't know how every topic becomes a innuendo, or a double entendre but they somehow spiral out of control. If anyone is offended, I blame Connie, lol. Wikapedia my favorite if unreliable research tool had this to say about that.

Barrison Sisters
A double entendre is a figure of speech similar to the pun, in which a spoken phrase can be understood in either of two ways. This can be as simple as a phrase which has two mutually exclusive meanings, and is thus a clever play on words. An example of this would be the title of the short story, The Most Dangerous Game, by Richard Connell, in which the title can refer both to the "game" that is most dangerous to hunt, and "game" that is most dangerous to play.
But for many, perhaps even most, persons, a risqué, even sexual, element is central to their understanding of double entendre. The Oxford English Dictionary defines it as 'A double meaning; a word or phrase having a double sense, especially as used to convey an indelicate meaning' [emphasis added]. In these cases, the first meaning is presumed to be the more innocent one, while the second meaning is risqué, or at least ironic, requiring the hearer to have some additional knowledge.
When innuendo is used in a sentence, it could go completely undetected by someone who was not familiar with the hidden meaning, and he or she would find nothing odd about the sentence (aside from other people finding it humorous for seemingly no reason). Perhaps, because an innuendo is not considered offensive to those who do not "get" the hidden implication, it is often prevalent in sitcoms and other comedy which would in fact be considered suitable for children. Children would find this comedy funny, but because most children lack understanding of the hidden implication in innuendo, they would find it funny for a completely different reason than most adult viewers.
The expressions may contain other forms of ambiguity, famous examples being the use of the word Logos in the Gospel of John and the phrase "Let him have it" allegedly said by Derek Bentley (see those articles for further details), but they would not normally be classed as double entendre.
Although an expression made of French words, it is not correct modern French; the French use the term double sens ("double sense [or meaning]") for such phrases. While the phrase "double entendre" has become common in the vocabulary of everyday American English, "double entendre" is in fact incorrect for "double entente", which in French translates to "a double or equivocal meaning; a play on words"

We know what we are, but know not what we may be. William Shakespeare, Hamlet
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