Hello! 1025 Hits on my other Blog "Rhinosphere" in Less than two Months! I'm becoming quite the Traffic wrangler driving traffic to my site. If you click on the above example you can witness a traffic spike that started this morning because I posted on Illustration Friday. In those two months I earned $2.90 from Adsense, which is not alot...but all great things, start small.
I'm excited about the new blog I created "Combat Scribblers" which will not see the high traffic. but will have original content...a niche audience.
I don't know if blogging is contributing to global warming or preventing it. On one hand you have computers overheating and blowing hot air everywhere. However computers are significantly cooler than automobiles...ergo, if your reading my blog instead of driving, your helping the environement.
Nothing ever comes to one, that is worth having, except as a result of hard work
Booker T Washington (1856-1915)In the meantime, through an oversight that José Arcadio BuendÍa never forgave himself for, the candy animals made in the house were still being sold in the town. Children and adults sucked with delight on the delicious little green roosters of insomnia, the exquisite pink fish of insomnia, and the tender yellow ponies of insomnia, so that dawn on Monday found the whole town awake. - - One Hundred Years of Solitude, Gabriel García Márquez
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