As our readers may have noticed I have been on blogging sabbatical. With numerous issues weighing heavily on my mind I thought it best that Byrne blog on without me, and she did. She wondered if I would return to the blog and I reassured her that I would when the time was right. The respite served me well and I feel the urge to blog again. Perhaps I should never have stopped writing as I find deep comfort and therapeutic value in sharing our thoughts online.
What I seek is Cosmos...I need to find order in Chaos. I feel the need to seek and know the truth. I need to dissect my existence and find my purpose. Do I feel lost? Yes, a little bit like flotsam drifting in a beltway sea of bureaucracy. I seek Inspiration...something to ignite the passion which seems always to elude me in this mental morass that has such a grip on me. Firm upper lip lad! Press on and all that! Even now I fear my stoicism is crumbling and caution myself to strengthen my brave facade.
One ever present fact that burns like a beacon at the end of a long tunnel is my Family is there, waiting with open arms. Shouting words of encouragement. They're there, and need me as much as I need them. They are my inspiration. I can't falter.

Maybe I just need a vacation! After all it has been over a year since my wife and I traveled to Vietnam and had such wonderful adventures exploring Saigon, Hue and Hoi An. So we prepare for our next great adventure in Greece! I have been researching all things Greece and eagerly look forward to the day when we climb the hill to the ancient citadel, the Acropolis and explore the Parthenon together. As a student of history nothing is as intoxicating as the anticipation of seeing and experiencing the Greek Isles. I will walk where Thales walked. Seek answers from Plato and Socrates, study the Spartans, Athenians and my favorite the ever questioning Ionians.
Maybe I should listen to Thales, after all he defined a happy man as...
“Who is healthy in body, resourceful in soul and of a readily teachable nature”
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