To finish a work? To finish a picture? What nonsense! To finish it means to be through with it, to kill it, to rid it of its soul, to give it its final blow the coup de grace for the painter as well as for the picture." ~ Pablo Picasso

I mean really, how much easier can you get? im totally buying into it. i spend twenty minutes cooking a completely healthy dinner anyway. Why not have fresh bread? that's the half-baked part.
half-done: take your pick. no wait, i'll do it for you... working with boy2 heart's desire and mine are two different things, but they did come together beautifully this warm early evening. he played in the sandbox and i started prepping my raised garden bed. then together, we dug up the sprouting garlic, separated the sprouts and replanted them a fist apart. then we planted the shallots and red onions. its too early to tell if the blackberries survived the deer and winter and i found out its a little too early for my new canna bulbs, so the garden is half done. so is the zebra grass. about this time of year, i give my Miscanthus Sinesis "Strictus" a haircut so its ready for the upcoming spring. halfway done, the shears came unscrewed (!?!) and boy2 declared he was finished, so we went inside with the zeba grass thinking "what was THAT?" and why is half of me strewn about on the lawn. people! there are convenant laws here!
as i walked back into my halfway house, i was buoyed be a sense of wellness. could have been the three day holiday. could have been my husband, the irish-king would be coming home from work soon. could have been getting back in touch with all of the elements and aspects i love in my life. or it could just be the realization that i did very important, unfinished work today on the art of my life.
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