early january, i finally picked up team of rivals—the truly thorough book of lincoln's rise to the presidency, his competitors' stories and how he chose his cabinet from his former competitors. i had been eyeballing it a while, but its a hefty book and even for a paper back, it was a bit hefty in price. i think i decided to purchase it on account of all the business lit books i've been reading for a book club. you know, who ate my cheese...fish..best ship in the navy...the secret—fred factor—it was like eating a lot of process food. yeh, it went down easy, it was in some instances (navy) interesting, it did fill my mind, but really—it wasnt very satisfying. too pat. too rote. too full of platitudes. too... too... too...
i blame it on standford's itunesu hannibal lecture series. the lecturer discussed how military leaders were taken with hannibal. how they studied him, trying to tease out secrets they could use in their real word situation. napolean even climbed the alps with a army of men, tracing hannibal's footsteps and causing havoc in swiss villages along the way.
history! i thought. so now i'm compiling a reading list of off-road business books. books that are about business, yet aren't on the stereotypical business lit map.
here is what i have so far:
- Team of Rivals
- Grant's Autobiography
- Sources of Power: How People Make Decisions
- Gates of Fire
what other books should i add to my list?
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will fight without danger in battles.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
I love Sun Tzu...Everything he says is still applicable today.
Oh Yeah...Happy B-Day Abe! Land of Lincoln! Another Illinois boy who went to Washington.
gene simmons quoted sun tzu on celebrity apprentice. man, apprentice is an entertaining series this time around.
i miss gene.
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