Happy New Year, everyone! kick 2007 out on its ear. forget it! its time for fresh mistakes, fresh insights and fresh fruit. fresh fruit? oh yeh. i know your mad diet and exercise plan. i've been expecting you. i will see you wednesday, in the gym. you'll huff and puff next to me and the girl and we won't mind. you'll make us shiver in waiting for our turn at the shower stall and then we'll pester you for an electric plug. we'll keep this up until oh, about february. then me and my girl will have the gym to ourselves for the rest of the year.
'cause WE are serious. and this time, i actually am going to lose that weight. how am i so sure? oh please, A in Fiscal Management—need i remind you? because i totally can, you know. so sure am i that this doesn't even make my new year's resolution list, so here it is:
CONTENT OVERLOAD! oh, ive got the whole world in my hand with MY NEW IPOD CLASSiQUE! so completely sophisticated, this size of a cigarette case window to the universe can hold 80GB of content totally centered around BYRNE'S SENSE OF WONDER! i vow this year to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly download where many have downloaded before. itunesU? oh yeh! download the content, Scotty!
- WRITE A WHITE PAPER. why not? See A in Fiscal Management
LEARN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE. probably spanish. i'm addicted to Coffee Break Spanish.com. i've already got the first ten lessons downloaded. i'm looking forward to practicing w/morgie, whose spanish is heavily accented with a heavy southern twang.
BLOG THE HARVEST, CRUSH AND FERMENTING MORE THOROUGHLY THIS YEAR. this is the second year in a row i didnt blog continuously throughout the year. ugh. that hurts. but i have developed a kick butt soundtrack for it through project playlist.
FINISH MY VINEYARD BOOK IN TIME FOR MY HUSBAND'S BIRTHDAY. Shhhhh. he has no idea i've even started the book. i found a great online resource: blurb.com. this book is going to be awesome!
FINISH MY FIRST SAILOR VALENTINE. yeh. finally. three-four years ago, i was honing my skill and getting better and better. to the left is a little ditty i created a long time ago... then i stopped, cause the new job got in the way. no more! i'm gonna finish at least ONE this year. for the girl's high school graduation. sailor valentines info here.
*courtesy of babel fish translation
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