i'm acutely aware my interest in topics and subject matter largely appeals to the 60+ elderly woman demographics. or circa mid 1970s 7-10 year old midwest suburban/rural young girl. occasionally, i strike it rich with the 4-15 year old suburban boy demographics, but i'm the mother of two boys, so that's pretty much cheating. all along, i've been gamely blogging along, watching the analytics on you people out there—hey blogger surfers. cut the girl a break and count to 50 sllloowwly before you hit that "next blog" button. yeh? well, you're bored anyway, pal. start counting.
clearly, you enjoy morgan's topics more than mine. i'm so jealous. hello? rajah of bourbon? the pathos! the intellectual curiosity! the ability to del.icio.us the obscure! can i get a hand, here? [crickets]
morgan posts about baseball? you people are all over it! analytics reports views spiked! ok. i understand what you people want!
hot chicks.
America the Brave!
Al Gore's son speeds in a Prius, for pete's sake.
hannity and somebody, FOX NEWS, CHENEY, NO SPIN, POKER, POKER, POKER
whew. i was channeling billy joel, there for a second. hey, we didn't start the fire, people. yeh. billy joel. i've come back to earth now, in my natural form. gah. somebody hand me my mom jeans.
so those of you who have now hit this page and have no idea why they are here? um. i just wanted to see you?
of course, they already left. so those of you that stuck through this post—THANKS, ANDY!—i give you another blog i'm pretty much hooked on these days:
yes. i found it on blogger's blogs of note. while looking for one of mine to show up.
a girl can dare to dream, can't she?
oh, and baseball fans? this guy is the complete package. here is his other blog.
bon appetit
Wow Blogger Angst! who knew...once again Connie, this isn't a competition, we're just blogging from the heart...The numbers really did spike? wait until they get a load of my next blog! When the numbers spike your adsense goes up with it, no? I had 150 hits the other day on http://rhinosphere.blogspot.com/
which usually translates to dollars per click! I just broke the five dollar mark...this sure is a hard way to make a living.
mock rage and heartbreak doesn't go over well these days...
reality: i had nothing to blog about except the spike.
I like the assimilatednegro blog. I had read it before, I always read the Blogs of note and daydream of the day we make it to the big leagues...
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