The Show's premise is pretty simple take Stan Lee (famous comic book creator) and audition thousands of geeks across the US. Stan’s superheroes are for the most part, regular folks who have superpowers thrust on them. For example, Dr. Bruce Banner, an ordinary doctor, transforms into the ‘Incredible Hulk’ and back again. Peter Parker, an ordinary teenager who is not sure what to do with super-powers, becomes ‘Spider-Man.’ X-Men, of course, are normal teenagers, but with mutant genes that gives them their super-human qualities...Back to the show! When you have ten ridiculous wanna-be super heroes enter them into a cheesefest of a quasi-reality competition for 1. A million bucks 2. Immortality 3. Personal comic book. They show up with homemade uniforms and fictious powers, acting heroic and taking it all to serious. We laugh and laugh at their stupid antics. Check out their website if you don't get the Sci-Fi channel http://www.scifi.com/superhero/
I guess I would want to be The Hulk because he's really strong, and I don't think he has the responsibilities of Superman. The Boy says he wants to have Super Gaming powers, for what? I don't know. I'm watching him play Guitar Hero II and his eye hand coordination looks superhuman to me. Man he's Good!
Maybe everyone has a special talent...an Uncanny ability that only a few people in the world possess. It's coming back to me...memories of abilities parading before my eyes through the mists of time. Yes...I have an uncanny geographic ability to draw a reasonable facsimile of any nation or state. My ability to read...no thats not unique enough. My incredibly insensitive, evil power to instantly saddle anyone with a nickname like Sawyer on the TV Show "LOST" I really do appreciate a good nickname...right Andy-pants? I'm trying to remember a third Uncanny Ability (UA) I guess it would be my Incredible Luck! Yes, I am Mr. Lucky. I'm lucky I didn't get a speeding ticket today! I'm lucky to have married my wonderful wife. I'm lucky to have great kids...don't ask me how that happened...I'm just lucky!
Speaking of Super powers, it took everything I had to go to Kimbrough Army Clinic the othe day for my retirement Physical. I was trying to get out of it, maybe sign an exemption letter and just be done with it. But everyone advise (Yelled) me to not bypass this one. Usually these retirement physicals are scheduled 120 days before separation...so with 4 business days left I went over to the clinic to schedule an appointment. When I convincingly explained my situation they decided to see me that very day! Lucky Me! Since I had recently had my first Physical a few months prior...most of the preliminary work was done...I was going to get this done, and beat the traffic home. First they gave me an EKG...and like the Tin Man I found I had a "good" heart. Next they gave my Super Lasic Eyes a test...which I passed by reading the second line to the bottom e-s-p-d-f-t. Easy-Peasy. Finally they sent me in to see this rather large black female doctor (Major). She went over my records, making comments, annotations, observations, she talked about making a Veterans Administration Claim. It was just more paperwork, a mere formality. We were almost done when she said,
"Ok! Take your boots off and all your clothes."
"Your shitting me!", I replied.
"No I'm not. We have to check your junk and then we're doing a rectal exam."
Mooooon River!.....happy place, happy place!
1 comment:
did she have a gentle touch?
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