....as [Joseph] Campbell saw it, isn't merely a matter of doing whatever you like, and certainly not doing simply as you are told. It is a matter of identifying that pursuit which you are truly passionate about and attempting to give yourself absolutely to it. In so doing, you will find your fullest potential and serve your community to the greatest possible extent.
—Joseph Campbell Foundation
i have a post in draft form called Archetypes and Angels. Which I considered changing Angels to Angles. in my head, it was gonna be one charming rif. Archetypes and Angles. Heroes and Hipocrisy. i threw a bunch of crap in there, thinking one day i'd riposte wittily to a morgan topic.
but today aint the day to swing at a softball.
i have two heroes. both are my kids. resiliant. hopeful. passionate. forgiving. joyful. to type more adjectives would be trite. i won't do it.
if you are going to buy anything of campbell's—and you should at least get the joseph campbell companion—read it only in stolen moments. read it furtively. don't pay attention to the accompanying new age crap that gets attached to it. read it and then listen to yourself and be quick, that true voice is a fleeting thing. odds are, that's the closest most of us are gonna get to following our bliss.
and if that don't work. buy blink. thats a good read.
riposte - ding! Ding! Ding! Triple word score. Honestly I'm going to have to pary by saying I don't even know what kind of french your selling thar! Excellent word! touche.
By not hitting the softball you throw me a curve, how am I going to respond to this? what is bliss? Ft Bliss? -10 pts for resilient
I have a great idea that will replace Blink...It's called Pre-blink, its that one second before those two seconds. I have been studying that one second, and find that one second fascinating. You can actually find that one second everywhere...Pre-Blink will be the new buzz word for 07. Pre-purchase your copy now!
triple comment post score. holy crap a hat trick.
earlier this evening, i was doing the post-blink—which i also call snooze.
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