Its been a long time since we blogged...well Its been a long time since I blogged. I apologize. I'll try and not let it happen again.
"Where have you been Morgie?" You might ask.
I have been down a rabbit hole that has no bottom. I have been traveling around the internet at the speed of light, I am Rocketman, and this is my story.
My journey starts out in, my newly adopted "home site." FB as I like to call it is a fast growing Social Networking site that was created by Mark Zuckerman from his dorm room at Harvard four years ago. It is simple to use but is quickly revolutionizing the way we use the net. uses associative links to create a fun and rewarding experience for users. Each Person's page offers associative links to comments, photos, groups, music and videos. Following these links can lead to a powerful feeling of discovery. The top two Social Networking Sites (SNS) in the United States are Facebook and Myspace
According to Time magazine article, Old Friends on Facebook, By Justin Fox . Facebook claims to be signing up 150,000 new members a day. MySpace says it's adding 250,000 members daily, but those don't all represent actual people (MySpace places no restrictions on how many identities one can assume), and there's a widespread belief--albeit one not yet backed up by much hard data--that Facebook is gaining ground. It's a belief shared by Rupert Murdoch, whose News Corp. owns MySpace. When an interviewer quipped in June that readers were abandoning newspapers for MySpace, Murdoch shot back, "I wish they were. They're all going to Facebook at the moment."
I started thinking about SNS and how they are different from the old static web sites. I know its not new...Web 2.0 has been around for along time. But what was web 2.0? Byrne has been talking about collaboration for months. Was that what web 2.0 is? I decided to start researching for my own understanding what 2.0 really means.
Web 2.0 means many things. Its not just one thing. The more I researched, the more rabbit holes I went down. I had started at Social networking soon I was looking at terms like folksonomy, participation, and convergence. According to Tim O' Reilly who coined the phrase Web 2.0, "Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the Internet as platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform."....Huh? An easier definition was Web 2.0 is a term describing changing trends in the use of World Wide Web technology and web design that aims to enhance creativity, information sharing, collaboration and functionality of the web. I like that. So what I'm saying...
I guess the best way I have found to define web 2.0 is a word cloud with many of the 2.0 themes.
than I stumbled on this...
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