- Mary Lou CookWow! The 100th Post. Should I feel nervous? Is this one small step for this Man? One giant leap for who? I got to confess, I didn't think we would ever make 100. Writer's Block, Severe Climate Change and Mid-life Career Switches. We almost didn't make it many times over. I went on Sabbatical, Our Girl took a break. It's OK to take a break. The writing really has been a joy...sometimes. It's certainly therapeutic. So without further ado, Let the 100th Begin!
Creativity (or 'creativeness") is a mental process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations of the creative mind between existing ideas or concepts. Sounds easy right?
From a scientific point of view, the products of creative thought are usually considered to have both orginality and appropriateness. I like to think a little simpler, creativity is simply the act of making something new. Sounds easy right?

Creativity has been attributed variously to divine intervention, Cognitive processes, the social environment, personality traits and my favorite lucky chance. It has been associated with genius, mental illness and humor. Some say it is a trait we are born with; others say it can be taught with application of simple techniques.
Although usually associated with art and literature, it is also essential part of innovation and invention and is important in all professions.
I've always wanted to create...design, build something unique and cool. Before I joined the Air Force I wanted to be a Graphic Designer. During high school I took as many art classes as possible. I drew, painted and sculpted and slowly the idea began form that possibly, maybe I could do this for a living. But instead of going away to Art School...I joined the US Air Force. I didn't go to Texas unprepared, I took my porfolio and two letters of recommendation, with me. It must have helped the poor guy in charge of choosing our destiny, because 8 weeks later I was flying to Denver for a crash course in Air Force graphics. I had found what I was looking for. The Air Force appreciated what I did. My perspective was perfect for communicating their ideas visually. I did well and made a 20 year career out of it. As the years went by I rose through the ranks and with every promotion I got further and further away from my creativity, until finally the people I worked with didn't even know I could draw.
That's why I was so excited to get this job as a graphic designer, complete with a sobering pay cut. I was returning to my roots. I was going home. I was rusty at first...compared with my fresh young coworkers I was positively archaic. But I see myself getting better with each Job. Sometimes the initial idea stage is overwhelming...but I'm an idea guy. Now I just have to implement them.

About CD Cover Meme
Always wanted to be in a rock band?
Well here's your chance...sort of. Make your own CD Cover with the following steps and rocket yourself to mult-platinum status and start fending off the groupies.
1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random
The first article title on the page is the name of your band.
2. www.quotationspage.com/random.php3
The last four words of the very last quote is the title of your album.
3. www.flickr.com/explore/interesting/7days/
The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
1 comment:
these are awesome! love your typography. pretty tight. RHINOversatility!
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