i know there are those of you out there that refuse to believe there is a Walsh. that's just a name we tack up on our masthead to pathetically make believe we are more than who we are. blogger morons! others of you check in periodically—hope and heart in hand—looking for a post, a comment, some sort of sign of the longed-for Walsh.
Walsh does exist, but he can't come to the phone right now. he's my BFF (knock fists together). we share common blood type (just found out today! wee!), love of howard stern, quote shrek, and have the same religious background. he, along with my brother, is a trusted partner in crime and the best audience for which anyone could hope. oh, i mean it. i've watched Walsh. he's truly fascinated with the stories all of us bring in. he never feigns interest and when he laughs (and he often does) you really feel you scored something. he really cares about people and works hard to coach them along. it works—we all try ridiculously hard to impress him. he's has that got it together/life according to plan/genuinely great guy air about him.
he also has a wickedly twisted sense of humor that i dig.
he sings its praises. he revels in it. he truly gets the message and best of all wants to share it with others. however, walsh's life gets in the way. so i thought i'd help him out and post for him. check out the golf shirt copy:
heh. invisible cloak of certain potency. thanks, walsh!
Bob Slydell: I'd like to move us right along to a Peter Gibbons. Now we had a chance to meet this young man, and boy that's just a straight shooter with upper management written all over him.
1 comment:
I would follow him into hell!
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