right now for me, SL has been nothing more than playing with barbies. take a look at my avatar in SL. she is so buff and taller than i am real life. i dig her noncorporate 'do, but i kept true to real life and gave her a good spanking of freckles. i also added a bit of bags under her eyes, since sleep is a premium for me in RL. one thing i cant figure out is the shirt length. SL loves the bippie top. heh. my avatar is pensively gazing out at the ocean in a stranger's mod home on some island. she wishes for land to build a scale shoestring vineyard, complete with a tasting room. my avatar would then have vodcasts of shoestring vineyard life to show the other avatars and would offer racks of wine to decorate homes--like this mod pad. or offer single bottles of wine with a glass and a script that would have the avatars swirling the wine glass, sniffing and tasting. she's pretty ambitious but doesn't know where to start.
sort of like real life.
right now my avatar is stretched out on a hammock...or blanket...or snoozing on a couch...or lounging on a bed of pillows in a tower somewhere. she gets more sleep than i'll see. my approach to SL is so dopey. i feel sort of responsible for making my avatar comfortable while i'm out. so i find her snoozing spots. people have been dropping off notecards with invites to clubbing in the evening. hah! puhleeze. with my schedule, there is no way this avatar will ever be able to go clubbing. i just started SL during a perfect storm of home, academic, and professional activities. ive been limited exploring different islands and experimenting with camping (ugh) for cash or even better--dancing! i gots me some mad russian dance skills, yeh. took me a while to figure out how to stop, though. picture the avatar walking around and performing russian kicks at the same time. comedy and chaos ensues! with my meager earnings i purchased a few tidbits i immediately regretted. the hottie school girl outfit? even my avatar feels she's mutton as lamb in that ensemble. oh, and hair! that's so crazy, man. you put on a bald cap and then try on the hair. i get it working right, but the styles aren't quite right for my avatar. then again, i wasnt much good at playing with barbies. all my barbies looked pretty much like how they came out of the packaging. i was totally at a loss with all that mad hair. do all barbies come from texas?
which makes me remember Aqua's song: Barbie Girl. ah, Aqua! how refreshing i find your effervescent euro dance music! nostalgia hit me and i utube'd the group. what i found is pretty much how i've come to think of SL. first, you'll see the group aqua. that's SL. the next utube is pretty much what is happening on the other side of the computer screen. real life isn't pretty or for the faint hearted, but damn its funny.
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