"That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," said the Cat.
"I don't much care where—" said Alice.
"Then it doesn't matter which way you walk," said the Cat.
"—so long as I get somewhere," Alice added as an explanation.
"Oh you're sure to do that," said the Cat, "if you only walk long enough!"
—Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll
i was just in pa, this past week. we took the boys to hershey park, a nice enough adventure. the small burghs remind me of st. louis and i get happy nostalgic but then i wonder: what's up with the roads? for such a pretty state, you've got some crappy roads.
that, and you make it really hard to get a bumper of beer. on the way back from hershey, we stopped at this store called the beer zoo. turns out the beer zoo only deals with large game—just cases of beer. so in pa, you can get cases of beer, but supermarkets are not allowed to carry beer. if you want a six pack, you go to a bar and they will sell you a six pack, but its expensive. curiouser and curiouser. wonder if only being able to purchase beer by the case has any bearing on the highway layout and condition?
the best part of the trip was when i didn't pay attention to navigating around york. i had to get us through the city as a consequence—and i did it! i was even able to tell by the position of the sun which way was north, so i felt pretty swell about my mad navigational skills. we were on our way to gettysburg, feeling pretty good and my husband sees a sign for the Haufbrauhaus
my husband says, how do you say that? and i say, oh? Haufbrauhaus? i've eaten there. and then we just looked at each other and laughed. we were in that part of PA by ourselves for the first time and i had just succeeded in getting us unlost.
you really ate there? said my husband. yeh. i think i did, my dad will travel for miles to eat at a German restaurant and i remember the name. just then we drove past the restaurant and i said yep. ate there. called my dad to confirm and then we laughed some more. its fun to travel with my husband.
about a month ago, boy1 and i had a you and me night and i took him to see Live Free, Die Hard. really great silly fun, but i had to have a talk about some of the terrible things the hero said of the villian's girlfriend. HEY HOLLYWOOD, I'M TRYING TO RAISE A MAN THAT RESPECTS WOMEN HERE. you give us a completely hot, hardcore if misguided chick that kicked willis' can several times and then you give him some dialogue that totally denigrates that girl. ugh. i give up wid you.
the movie still makes boy1's top 10 list. so did talledega nights. and troy. i know. his mother's child. he lives for those pg13 movies because he's so unfairly restricted from them unless his mother totally doesn't see that troy is R-rated. his father still hasn't forgiven me.
about movies, all i want to point out is that movie, A WALK IN THE CLOUDS? yeh. world's away from my vineyard experience. but when i'm sick, its my favorite secret indulgence. yeh. i cry. i can tell you, though, my husband and i never don glossamer wings and waft our way through the vineyards in our nighties, keeping the frost at bay.

image courtesy of imdb.com
Yeah I wasn't to happy with his stereotypical racists remarks...but man she was one HOT "babe"! hahahaha
points of order:
1. Haufbrauhaus (or german beer place, as we call it) is a fantastic place for a meal and some tasty beer.
2. if ever inclined to travel through ireland, drive through PA instead and save money.
3. show the boy the original Die Hard, or maybe 300... great parenting :)
andy, i liked haufbrauhaus' herring roll mops. do you like sauerbrauten? 'cause as german as i am, i can't get over raisin-y gravy.
and the best part of mel&me's morning workouts is when our favorite fan runs by us and says, "...Spartan Women!"
heh. i'm a corndog.
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