She loves to laugh
She loves to sing
She does everything
She loves to move
She loves to groove
She loves the lovin things
—Any Way You Want It by Journey
i run a hard and fast life. right now, that means up at 4:30am and back home at 9pm. that means my husband and i communicate with a phone call after work, a kiss with a plate of spaghetti before bed, and a groggy kiss buh-bye before i plug into my ipod for my morning commute.
but something different happened two days ago.
4:30 am and i blindly run my hands along the edge of the bed until i hit my husband's feet, and then its a matter of steps until my fingers hit his face, as always—but something is different. he's awake. and lucid.
so i sit down next to him and make some small chitchat thinking one, two, and i'm on to the workout. but he's being funny. and charming. at 4:30am, people. and after a couple of minutes, i realize—i don't want to work out. i want to talk to my husband. so i shrug, kick my overstuffed workout bag across the room and curl up next to my husband. and we talk.
about the progression of colour changes in kitchen appliances as we grew up.
ok, first of all, we were talking about growing up in the 1970s and i brought up the colour changes of that era: first there was goldenrod. then avocado (AVOCADO! my husband laughed. we had a green stove! that was avocado?) then came harvest, which was a pumpkin orange. while my husband spent part of his misspent youth as an artist, he could only take so much talk about '70s colour palettes.
so then we discussed weird cooking gadgets. like a counter top pizza cooker
or the really odd hot dog cooker someone gave us for christmas. it involved impaling your hot dogs on these electric prongs, which then cooked the hot dog from the inside out. it was also in the shape of a dachsund, this cooker—which just made it all the more slapstick. then it turned out that as a kid, my husband had made a hot dog cooker under the same premise for a school project—only with a wood board, and two nails that were wired up with a stripped down cut off lamp cord. weeeeee! we were roaring with laughter. then we discussed the salad shooter

what a concept! the physical improbability of being able to shoot out a beautiful salad from very different ingredients had us laughing. and then the jingo! salad shooTER! we tried to think of other really simple, two word jingos. we could only come up with: byyyyy MENNEN! which made us roar again. the conversation lasted about an hour. then i finally drug myself out of bed and into the shower.
i glowed for the rest of the day. i even hummed.
i had forgotten how much fun my husband and i can have.
even at 4:30am.